Pastor John Anosike, is President and Senior Pastor of New World Faith Ministries ~ (Spirit Revelation Church), a multi-cultural, highly dynamic Ministry with a membership of over 8000, in Cape Town, South Africa. He was raised in a Christian home and introduced to the Lord Jesus Christ as a child, by age 6, Pastor John was already exposed to Ministering before large crowds in Crusades and this passion has grown with him. As he remained consistent in searching the Scriptures, God begun to develop a Prophet and Teacher in him. This passion for the Word is evident in the way he vibrantly and energetically teaches with exceptional insight! The Services are full of life as God always confirms His Word with miracles, signs and wonders!

Pastor John is truly sent to this generation to raise a type of the Church of Jesus Christ that will function in the full capacity of power that God intended for her! Pastor John Anosike carries a rare anointing for expounding the scriptures in high revelation as a Teacher, providing deep and exceptional insight in the Gospel of Christ and Grace as well as unusual healings and miracles. He is also an Author of several books and the much desired daily devotional, “Heaven In Your Day,” designed to do just that! Pastor John is truly sent of God as a general of our time to raise a type of the body of Christ that will operate in an unadulterated knowledge of the scriptures with the accompaniment of miracles, signs and wonders! A true Apostle of power indeed as evidenced in his life and Ministry locally and abroad! His message is relevant to all people groups in this 21st century setting and is a MUST hear! He is married to a great servant of God Pastor Ola and the Lord has blessed them with four (4) lovely girls and two boys. They currently reside in Cape Town, South Africa Pastor John Anosike is open wide to the entire body of Christ and his arms even wider to receive all who subscribe to his spiritual coverage and tutelage.

God has commissioned Pastor John to raise a new generation of ministers on a global scale who will by revelation activate the realm of Sonship and the Supernatural, selflessly leading their flock and fold into ‘Spiritual Independence’ with the ‘domino-effect’ of corporately moving the Body of Christ into ‘The Unity of The Faith’, precipitating the final culmination of the ministry of the ‘Five-fold’.