Realms Define Consciousness Day 2 – MP3

The Bondservant of Christ John unveils mysteries on the realms that define consciousness.
Whoever occupies the dimensions of the human subconscious, controls the outcome of human experiences. Your human body requires the conscious to function. Your human soul requires the subconscious to function. Your spirit needs intuition to function. These are the abilities locked up in man.
Sons of God this is a time learn how to MASTER THE REALMS OF YOUR FATHER.
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Product Description

The Bondservant of Christ John unveils mysteries on the realms that define consciousness.
Whoever occupies the dimensions of the human subconscious, controls the outcome of human experiences. Your human body requires the conscious to function. Your human soul requires the subconscious to function. Your spirit needs intuition to function. These are the abilities locked up in man.
Sons of God this is a time learn how to MASTER THE REALMS OF YOUR FATHER.